1) Positive Statement
I think many things went well during my Senior Project. The thing that stood out the most in my opinion was my 2hour presentation. The main reason why this stood out the most is because it was the one component that actually ran smoothly for me. I didn't procrastinate once, finished my powerpoint early, and even went above the 30min talking time requirement. I breezed through my presentation without any problems.
2) 2hr Presentation Assessment
I think i deserve a P because i met all the requirements for that grade, i even went over the 30minute limit of talking time. I had no complications with my powerpoint and all my activities complimented their specific answers well.
3) Senior Project Assessment
I think that i deserve an over all grade of P for my senior project. The reason why is because i had many good and a few bad components but in the end the effort i put in to my senior project should be a P average.
4) What worked for your Senior Project
Definetily the 2hr presentation, my independent components, and my service learning because i finish all those components efficiently without running into any problems.
5) What didn't work
The components that didn't work for me were the I-Search paper and Science project.
6) The senior project has taught me how to organize a lengthy presentation, and it has also given me the opportunity to increase my piano skills at a rapid pace. Other than that, the senior project will not help me with my future endeavors because i do not plan to pursue piano as a career but more as a leisure activity.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Service Learning
- service learning log
- Mrs. Aurora (626) 854-2091
- The most important thing i gained from doing my service learning at a music studio would be learning new playing techniques and getting a better understanding of the piano learning process. Since my service learning involved performing and teaching, i was able to increase my performance ability as well as create my own teaching techniques for beginner pianists.
- To have a successful piano performance, one must understand how to effectively use dynamic techniques. During my service learning, i had to perform for the studio during their recital. Mrs. Aurora, my service learning provider, told me that the control flow of dynamics can help me have a "successful" piano performance.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Independent Component 2
Independent Component 2 log
a) I, Ryan McConnaughey, affirm that i completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Throughout the last 2 months, i have continued the same independent component as i did for my independent component one. I kept taking 2 hour private lessons every Thursday. I reviewed all my old piano pieces i have learned for the past 4 years, then began refining the composition that i have been trying to master all year. That composition is Claire De Lune by Debussy. For my independent component 1, my first step was to learn it. For my independent component #2, my second step was to memorize and perform it at the piano recital. I also include my ifest performance and practices for it as part of my independent component 2.
My independent component 2 demonstrates 30hours of work by showing how much i have improved in my piano playing skills. Here is the video of me finally playing my finished product of Claire De Lune by Debussy.
Claire De Lune by Debussy
My independent component 2 helped answer my EQ because it pretty much gave me the 3 answers to my 3 column chart. While talking to my piano instructor ms. Sally, she gave me all the information about harmony, dynamics, piano exercises, and helped me master the composition i have been trying to learn all year.
a) I, Ryan McConnaughey, affirm that i completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Throughout the last 2 months, i have continued the same independent component as i did for my independent component one. I kept taking 2 hour private lessons every Thursday. I reviewed all my old piano pieces i have learned for the past 4 years, then began refining the composition that i have been trying to master all year. That composition is Claire De Lune by Debussy. For my independent component 1, my first step was to learn it. For my independent component #2, my second step was to memorize and perform it at the piano recital. I also include my ifest performance and practices for it as part of my independent component 2.
My independent component 2 demonstrates 30hours of work by showing how much i have improved in my piano playing skills. Here is the video of me finally playing my finished product of Claire De Lune by Debussy.
Claire De Lune by Debussy
My independent component 2 helped answer my EQ because it pretty much gave me the 3 answers to my 3 column chart. While talking to my piano instructor ms. Sally, she gave me all the information about harmony, dynamics, piano exercises, and helped me master the composition i have been trying to learn all year.
Helping 2013
Who did i interview: Rachel Hernandez
What day and time: 4/27 at 12:45pm
What day and time: 4/27 at 12:45pm
(1) What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
- I am planning to do my senior project based around deaf culture. I chose this because i plan to pursue this as a career and will use the senior project as a head start. I also chose this because my sister is deaf.
- Since she only gave me one topic idea, i just told her that if deaf culture is something you know you can present 2hrs on, finish a science project, and be able to obtain independent components and service learning, than this would be a great topic.
(2) What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning (working with an expert) which is due prior to senior year starting? Note: They also have to complete the 50 hours during the school year.
- My cousin is an interpreter for deaf people, so i will ask to follow her around and get a better understanding on what deaf interpreters go through during their job.
- I told her that it was great that you had a family member that had a career in your senior topic. This will make obtaining service learning very easy for you.
(3) What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
- I don't really know what to expect. I just hope that the senior presentations that i will be put in will be fun and entertaining, if not engaging.
- I told the junior that she should avoid texting and talking to her friends at all times. Focus on the presentation and make sure you do not disturb the presenter because they will be very nervous.
(4) What questions do they have about senior project? What additional recommendations would you give the 2013 student about senior project? Be specific and note what you told them.
- Unfortunantely i do not any more questions about the senior project, I've just heard that it is quite challenging but it will be worth it in college. I will worry about this senior project once it comes.
- I told her that she already planned out her service learning and independent components is a great thing so that she won't have to worry about obtaining those later. I also told her not to procrastinate on the science fair project because that was the component that killed me by staying up all night.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Answer #3
EQ: What is most important to have a successful piano performance?
Answer: My 3rd answer would be to show expression during the piano performance.
Evidence 1: According to my piano instructor, showing your passion while performing defines your performance. She said that knowing when to play softer , then switching gears to playing louder and upbeat turns you’re performance from good to great. This is called controlling the dynamics of your composition.
Evidence 2: According to my piano instructor, after a good amount of practice you should be able to know when to play faster or play slower. Changing up the speed during the performance goes very well with changing the dynamics(volume). For example, starting off the performance with a slow speed is good because it creates tension. then during the middle of the performance it is wise to combine both fast and slow speeds. for the end of the composition, it is best to play at a fast speed all the way up until the last 8 count, once you reach it you play slow and finish the piece gracefully.
Evidence 3: According to my piano instructor, knowing what type of song you're playing is extremely important. For example, if you're playing a classical song mainly based on a minor scale, the song will clearly be something sad, depressing, or an angry type of composition. If the composition is based purely on major chords, it is clearly a much happier and more upbeat song.
Source: All three pieces of evidence came from my piano instructor mrs. Sally Griffin.
Answer: My 3rd answer would be to show expression during the piano performance.
Evidence 1: According to my piano instructor, showing your passion while performing defines your performance. She said that knowing when to play softer , then switching gears to playing louder and upbeat turns you’re performance from good to great. This is called controlling the dynamics of your composition.
Evidence 2: According to my piano instructor, after a good amount of practice you should be able to know when to play faster or play slower. Changing up the speed during the performance goes very well with changing the dynamics(volume). For example, starting off the performance with a slow speed is good because it creates tension. then during the middle of the performance it is wise to combine both fast and slow speeds. for the end of the composition, it is best to play at a fast speed all the way up until the last 8 count, once you reach it you play slow and finish the piece gracefully.
Evidence 3: According to my piano instructor, knowing what type of song you're playing is extremely important. For example, if you're playing a classical song mainly based on a minor scale, the song will clearly be something sad, depressing, or an angry type of composition. If the composition is based purely on major chords, it is clearly a much happier and more upbeat song.
Source: All three pieces of evidence came from my piano instructor mrs. Sally Griffin.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Room Creativity
1) How i plan to address the room creativity expectation would be to have my essential question on 4 posters located throughout the room and on each slide of my powerpoint. I will also have musical notes posted as decorations around the room. I will also have pictures of famous composers and famous modern day music stars that have pianist background posted around the room.
2) My first activity for answer 1 will be to pass out a quiz on what i had just covered and the a group discussion on each persons favorite song they would like to learn on an instrument. My second activity for answer 2 would be a quiz on musical dynamics and music theory where the students will share their answers out loud.
2) My first activity for answer 1 will be to pass out a quiz on what i had just covered and the a group discussion on each persons favorite song they would like to learn on an instrument. My second activity for answer 2 would be a quiz on musical dynamics and music theory where the students will share their answers out loud.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Answer 2
EQ: What is most important to have a successful piano performance?
Answer 2: My second answer to my essential question would be piano playing experience.
Evidence: 1) The first piece of evidence would be knowing what a successful piano performance is. According to my piano instructor Sally Griffin, a successful piano performance not only includes playing the composition perfectly with no mistakes, but also knowing what the audience expects from you. At an advanced level of piano, a perfect performance of a difficult composition is what is expected from the audience.
Evidence 2) According to my service learning provider Mrs. Aurora, she said that to ensure a successful piano performance you must have an absolute understanding of music theory and the symbols that come with it. For example knowing how to read the bass cleft perfectly.
Evidence 3) My last piece of evidence would be that the years of piano playing experience determines the composition level you decide to play. Having 10years+ like I have in piano playing experience enables me to play more advance pieces.
Answer 2: My second answer to my essential question would be piano playing experience.
Evidence: 1) The first piece of evidence would be knowing what a successful piano performance is. According to my piano instructor Sally Griffin, a successful piano performance not only includes playing the composition perfectly with no mistakes, but also knowing what the audience expects from you. At an advanced level of piano, a perfect performance of a difficult composition is what is expected from the audience.
Evidence 2) According to my service learning provider Mrs. Aurora, she said that to ensure a successful piano performance you must have an absolute understanding of music theory and the symbols that come with it. For example knowing how to read the bass cleft perfectly.
Evidence 3) My last piece of evidence would be that the years of piano playing experience determines the composition level you decide to play. Having 10years+ like I have in piano playing experience enables me to play more advance pieces.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Product
As of March, my product so far for my Senior Project would be my increased performance ability. After a few solid months of private piano lessons with my piano instructor Mrs. Sally, I feel like my piano performing ability has increased by the way I control the dynamics of the song and the way i perform with others. Recently for my service learning at Rising Stars Music Studio, i did a performance with Christa Larino during their recital. The song we performed was Listen by The Dreams Girls. During the song, i had to match Christa's tone while playing the piano. If she was singing softer notes, I in turn played softer notes and vice versa. Once the song got the the climax(chorus), I would increase the dynamics of my piano playing to emphasis power coming from the piano and to match Christa's upswing in tone. Below is a picture of our performance.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fourth Interview Questions
1) How do dynamics work in a piano composition?
2) Where does harmony come into play in a piano composition?
3) Where does melody come into play in a piano composition?
4) During a performance, is it wise to have accompaniment instruments?
5) What is the biggest piano performance you have ever done?
6) How long have you been playing the piano?
7) Have you ever played in a different country?
8) What type of music do you like to play the most?
9) What type of music do you like to play the least?
10) Was the piano your first instrument?
11) Would you reccommend having a lot of body movement during a performance?
12) How can you make yourself appealing to the audience?
13) Where should the piano be located during the performance?
14) How much practice should one have before a performance?
15) What type of activities would you give to people trying to learn the piano?
16) Do you prefer to play up tempo or slower songs?
17) Do you enjoy playing as an accompinament instrument?
18) Does having a succesful piano performance necessarily mean you're the only one performing?
19) Do you watch over videos of older performances to see what you did wrong?
20) What do you do when you make a mistake during the performance?
2) Where does harmony come into play in a piano composition?
3) Where does melody come into play in a piano composition?
4) During a performance, is it wise to have accompaniment instruments?
5) What is the biggest piano performance you have ever done?
6) How long have you been playing the piano?
7) Have you ever played in a different country?
8) What type of music do you like to play the most?
9) What type of music do you like to play the least?
10) Was the piano your first instrument?
11) Would you reccommend having a lot of body movement during a performance?
12) How can you make yourself appealing to the audience?
13) Where should the piano be located during the performance?
14) How much practice should one have before a performance?
15) What type of activities would you give to people trying to learn the piano?
16) Do you prefer to play up tempo or slower songs?
17) Do you enjoy playing as an accompinament instrument?
18) Does having a succesful piano performance necessarily mean you're the only one performing?
19) Do you watch over videos of older performances to see what you did wrong?
20) What do you do when you make a mistake during the performance?
Monday, February 13, 2012
Independent Component 2 Plan Approval
1) for my independent component 2, i am going to continue taking private piano lessons to further enhance my piano playing ability and help me reach my end goal of mastering Claire de Lune by Debussy.
2) I have already 10hours for this independent compopnent because i take a 2hour weekly class plus recitals which also counts for hours.
3) this independent component relates to my EQ because private lessons teach me many techniques to pull off a successful performance, and will have a big impact on what i present for my 2hr.
2) I have already 10hours for this independent compopnent because i take a 2hour weekly class plus recitals which also counts for hours.
3) this independent component relates to my EQ because private lessons teach me many techniques to pull off a successful performance, and will have a big impact on what i present for my 2hr.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Independent Component 1
Link to log of independent component hours: Independent Component Log
Evidence: Mastery of first composition of independent component 1River Flows in You by Yiruma
Somebody to Love cover at Talent Show
a) I, Ryan McConnaughey, affirm that i completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Throughout the 30hours of work i spent during my independent component, i completed the mastery of an entirely new composition which was "River Flows in You by Yiruma". For my independent component, i started taking private tutoring lessons after a 1 year break from piano. Due to my 1 year break, i obviously forgot many old compositions I had learned years ago. During the first couple weeks into my independent component, my piano tutor helped me regain all my compositions such as "Ordinary People by John Legend", "Maybe by Yiruma", "100 Years by Five For Fighting", and much more. Since i plan to continue classes through independent 2, i am learning an extremely difficult composition from the Romanticism Era of music which occurred during the late 1800's to early 1900's. This piano piece is called Claire De Lune by Debussy. By the end of independent component one, i am now able to play through all 7 pages of sheet music. When i continue through independent component 2, my piano teacher will help me clean the piece so it sounds fluid as I work on memorizing it. The last thing i completed was a performance at the talent show where I collaborated with two other seniors in performing a song.
There are many things that have demonstrated my 30hours of work. For example i have mastered one full song, recovered 4 songs from taking a one year break from piano, began learning a difficult classical composition, and finally performed at the Ipoly High School talent show. These are all the most significant parts of my component because they show how dedicated i am to Piano and that i was willing to put in the time and effort to complete them.
Since most of my Independent Component consists of taking weekly 2hour classes with my private piano instructor, she was able to give me great advice on what to do and what not to do. When i asked her "What is most important to having a successful piano performance?", she gave me a full on answer about how showing your emotion, using the dynamics correctly, and proper finger movements can guarentee a successful piano performance.
Evidence: Mastery of first composition of independent component 1River Flows in You by Yiruma
Somebody to Love cover at Talent Show
a) I, Ryan McConnaughey, affirm that i completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Throughout the 30hours of work i spent during my independent component, i completed the mastery of an entirely new composition which was "River Flows in You by Yiruma". For my independent component, i started taking private tutoring lessons after a 1 year break from piano. Due to my 1 year break, i obviously forgot many old compositions I had learned years ago. During the first couple weeks into my independent component, my piano tutor helped me regain all my compositions such as "Ordinary People by John Legend", "Maybe by Yiruma", "100 Years by Five For Fighting", and much more. Since i plan to continue classes through independent 2, i am learning an extremely difficult composition from the Romanticism Era of music which occurred during the late 1800's to early 1900's. This piano piece is called Claire De Lune by Debussy. By the end of independent component one, i am now able to play through all 7 pages of sheet music. When i continue through independent component 2, my piano teacher will help me clean the piece so it sounds fluid as I work on memorizing it. The last thing i completed was a performance at the talent show where I collaborated with two other seniors in performing a song.
There are many things that have demonstrated my 30hours of work. For example i have mastered one full song, recovered 4 songs from taking a one year break from piano, began learning a difficult classical composition, and finally performed at the Ipoly High School talent show. These are all the most significant parts of my component because they show how dedicated i am to Piano and that i was willing to put in the time and effort to complete them.
Since most of my Independent Component consists of taking weekly 2hour classes with my private piano instructor, she was able to give me great advice on what to do and what not to do. When i asked her "What is most important to having a successful piano performance?", she gave me a full on answer about how showing your emotion, using the dynamics correctly, and proper finger movements can guarentee a successful piano performance.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Answer 1
1) Obtaining a college level degree in Piano is the most important way in becoming an accomplished pianist.
2) Being an accomplished pianist doesn't necessarily mean being a worldwide renowned super star. An accomplished pianist is someone who can make a living off playing/teaching a piano at a high standard. Most people who have a background with piano are able to start a music studio or even get hired as a private teacher.
3) I had 2 sources of evidence for this answer. The first one was my second interview Ms. Aurora my service learning provider who majored in Piano. The second one was my first interview Ms. Sally my piano tutor who also majored in Piano.
2) Being an accomplished pianist doesn't necessarily mean being a worldwide renowned super star. An accomplished pianist is someone who can make a living off playing/teaching a piano at a high standard. Most people who have a background with piano are able to start a music studio or even get hired as a private teacher.
3) I had 2 sources of evidence for this answer. The first one was my second interview Ms. Aurora my service learning provider who majored in Piano. The second one was my first interview Ms. Sally my piano tutor who also majored in Piano.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Service Learning
- I do my service learning at Rising Stars Music Studio located in Walnut, CA
- My contact is Mrs. Aurora Bedherol
- The services i had to do to reach the 10hour requirement were to teach kids between the ages 5-10 the basics of piano. Each kid was allowed two 30 minute sessions. I taught them out of the beginner's level 1 piano book. My classes were merely a test trial to see if the kids were interested in pursuing piano later on at the studio with a full time payed piano teacher.
- I have so far worked 27hours at my service learning.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Third Interview Questions
1) How many years of piano playing experience should one have to start performing at an advanced level?
2) How often do you think a pianist should practice each week before a performance?
3) For how long should a pianist practice straight without taking a break?
4) How long should a piano performance usually take?
5) What is the right age for a pianist to start performing?
6) What type of genres of music should be played during a piano performance?
7) What are the best venues for a pianist to play in?
8) What type of instruments can accompany the piano well during a performance?
9) How should the playlist of compositions be arranged for the performance?
10) What type of piano is suitable for a large audience?
2) How often do you think a pianist should practice each week before a performance?
3) For how long should a pianist practice straight without taking a break?
4) How long should a piano performance usually take?
5) What is the right age for a pianist to start performing?
6) What type of genres of music should be played during a piano performance?
7) What are the best venues for a pianist to play in?
8) What type of instruments can accompany the piano well during a performance?
9) How should the playlist of compositions be arranged for the performance?
10) What type of piano is suitable for a large audience?
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