Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

1) For the past few weeks i have being doing the independent component(private piano lessons), i was able to learn and master a famous Korean Pianist's song. The song was River Flows In You by Yiruma.


3)The source that helped me accomplished this was my private piano teacher Sally Griffin, she helped corrected any misplaced notes i had played, and then added creativity and more melody to the composition.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1) For my independent component, i plan to take private lesson with my teacher 2 times a week for 2hrs each lesson.
2) Since i started taking the classes in the beginning of september, i already have around 6 hours of learning done, therefore by the time of the due date, i will be done with the hours.

3) My independent study component relates to my EQ because taking lessons is one of the answers to my EQ.  To be an accomplished pianist, you have to learn how to play it first.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1) What is most important to being an accomplished pianist?
2)I think that an accomplished pianist is someone who can either make a living by teaching/playing the piano.
3)A few possible answers would be: an accomplished pianist can make a living by performing as a pianist or teaching at schools or privately.  Another answer would be someone who can read music theory and write it to be played on the piano for films and TV shows soundtracks.
4) My most important source has been my piano teacher, Mrs. Sally, because she has a passion for piano and has given me advice on what to do for service learning and recommended many famous pianists to study and include in my project.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Interview Questions

1) What level of education do you need in order to teach piano?
2) What college and musical degrees do you need to start a music school?
3) What do you think are the 3 most important ways to becoming an accomplished pianist?
4) How did you build up experience to finally start your own music school?
5) Has having a career involving music always been your goal?