Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

1) hypothesis: If a C note is played on a various stringed instruments, then the tone will vary.

2) dependent: sound frequency
    independent: thickness grand piano, violin, and guitar strings
    control: the grand piano, guitar, and violin

3) The connection between my science project and my EQ is the fact that knowing how the inside of the piano works and which strings play which types of sound can be useful if something goes wrong while you're performing as an accomplished pianist.  Also it can help me differentiate the frequencies between pianos and guitars, which are two very similar instruments.

4)I will perform the experiment at my service learning and take tone and frequency data on at least five instruments. I will take data using a Vernier Lab Quest and analyze the data using Logger Pro 3.8.  From there, I will research why I obtained specific results. 

5) physics

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